The Reimagining Contemporary Ministries project welcomes our new faculty advisors. Under this initiative, our advisors will function as ‘mentors in residence’ to support our students by offering annual workshops and retreats, leading worship in the chapel and attending Divinity Council meetings to provide advice and critique of our programmes, helping to reshape our faculty and curriculum.
Alison Hari-Singh Alison was born in London, UK, and immigrated to Canada with her family at a young age. She was raised in a small town in northern Saskatchewan. There, Alison first observed systems of oppression, particularly in the encounters between white settlers and Cree First Nations. She later moved with her family to Mississauga, where she completed high school. Alison holds a BSc (Hons) in Psychology from the University of Toronto and an MRel from Wycliffe College. She is finishing a PhD in political theology, teaches theology in the Faculty of Divinity of Trinity College, and is currently the priest-in-charge at the Church of St. Andrew by the Lake, Toronto Islands. Due to her personal experiences growing up in Canada, Rev. Alison is deeply committed to anti-racism and all forms of anti-oppression. She has been appointed to the Anti-Bias and Anti-Racism (ABAR) pod of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, which advises the Diocese and educates Anglicans on anti-racism. Alison is also very committed to non-dualistic spiritualities that unite contemplation and action. She is a music lover and a yoga practitioner and can often be found biking or walking around downtown Toronto with her husband and their daughter. |
Randolf Williams Randolf “Randy” Williams is a priest who has served in the Anglican Diocese of Niagara and presently serves in the Diocese of Toronto. Randy was educated at the University of Waterloo, receiving his BA (Hons) in History and New Testament Studies. He obtained his BEd (History/ Religion and Counselling) and later his Master of Library & Information Studies from Western University. He has been a Secondary School History, English and Information Studies teacher, a Business and Law Librarian and has taught Information Studies at the College level. Responding to a call to priestly ministry, Randy enrolled at Trinity College (UofT) as a part-time divinity student. During that time, he served as Divinity Co-Head and graduated in 2020. Randy believes in the power of “the story” and has authored several books. As a social justice and diversity advocate, he has served on several community and church committees. He was an active member of Trinity College’s Task Force on Anti-Black Racism and Inclusion, served on the Diocese of Niagara Anti-Racism Committee and completed an anti-racism course specifically for churches from the Ministry Institute, Diocese of New Jersey. He adheres to the teachings of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and believes that “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” |
Patrick Yu Bishop Yu dedicates part of his time to sharing his pastoral experiences in various educational spaces. He is a faculty member at Ming Hua Theological College in Hong Kong and an adjunct lecturer in Theology at Charles Sturt University. Patrick has a Master of Divinity degree from Wycliffe College and received his Doctor of Ministry from the Toronto School of Theology in 1997. Besides working as an adjunct faculty member at Wycliffe College, he served the Anglican Diocese at Coldwater-Medonte, St. Theodore of Canterbury in Toronto and Saint Timothy in Agincourt. In 2006, he was elected suffragan bishop and worked as a Coordinator of Anglican Witness, a Communion initiative for evangelism and church growth from 2010 to 2015, retiring two years later. |
Sandra Campbell Sandra is a traditional Wahta Mohawk First Nation counsellor currently living in Tkaronto. Since 2010, Sandra has been working at Toronto Urban Native Ministry (TUNM) as the Indigenous outreach coordinator and pastoral care worker. Besides working with administration and fundraising campaigns, she dedicates her time to helping survivors of Residential Schools dealing with the legacy impacts of the system, people without housing, and children, among other vulnerable sectors within Indigenous populations. Sandra is a health and wellness advocate and respects all spiritual forms of expression, embracing worship with an Indigenous worldview perspective. Since 1992, Sandra has devoted her time to serving and spiritually mentoring her community and is also involved with congregational work within the Diocese of Toronto. She has actively participated in various healing/sharing activities, women’s traditional drumming circles, youth and family mentoring programs and LGBTQ2S+ awareness discussions focusing on leaning into reconciliation. |