Master of Divinity Chapel Requirements
Daily Prayer and Worship
At Trinity College, studies in theology are not understood to be carried out in isolation from the ongoing life of the Church; rather, they are undertaken within the context of the daily worshipping life of the college community. For this reason, theology students in all degree programs are expected to be as regular in their Chapel attendance as they can be.
The College is aware of the difficulties that both students and staff encounter in meeting this expectation. Many students are part-time, commute and have other work commitments and responsibilities beyond the College community. Yet, the Faculty of Divinity believes that the work of theological formation at must find its beginning and end in the Eucharist and Offices offered daily during term in the Trinity College Chapel. Students and staff alike are invited, at the beginning of each term, to assess their priorities in light of this ideal, and to commit themselves to a pattern of Chapel attendance which is both faithful and realistic. Students who are unable to be part of the Chapel services at Trinity, are expected to maintain active membership in another community of support and growth.
Tuesday Community Eucharist
Community Eucharist is the principal weekly corporate celebration of the Faculty of Divinity community during the academic term. It is followed by a community meal in the Divinity Common Room (DCR).
Wednesday Evensong
Using the Book of Common Prayer, Evensong is normally sung by the Trinity College Chapel Choir during the academic term and offers music from both the classical and contemporary Anglican musical repertoire. It is followed by a reception hosted by the Faculty of Divinity, at which staff and students from the Faculties of Divinity and of Arts & Science meet.
Other services, including the Sunday services, are the responsibility of the Chaplain. Theology students are welcome to attend and to volunteer for various functions.
For a schedule of regular services, click here. Most weekday services are the responsibility of the student Liturgy Teams. These teams are supported by various staff members and student coaches, and are set up at the beginning of each term according to the commitments made by theology students in the ministry stream. Other students and students outside the Faculty of Divinity are welcome to become involved.
Humphrys Chaplain
The Humphrys Chaplain to Trinity College and the St. George campus of the University of Toronto is the Rev’d Andrea Budgey. The Chaplain has overall responsibility for the administration and conduct of services in the Trinity College Chapel, and supports those parts of the Faculty of Divinity’s liturgical formation program in the Chapel. The Chaplain’s office is Room 21 in the main Trinity College building. She can be reached at or 416-978-3288.
Program Director, Music and College Organist
Thomas Bell is Program Director, Music & College Organist. His teaching duties at Trinity include instructing Faculty of Divinity students in using music in worship and coaching them in sung liturgy. He can be reached at 416-978-7751 or