In-Course Scholarships

Trinity College offers approximately 400 in-course and graduation awards to recognize academic and co-curricular achievement and to support those in financial need. There are two types of in-course scholarships for currently registered students: automatic and application-based scholarships. The cut-off AGPA for scholarships changes each year depending on the number of students eligible for consideration. Trinity College in-course scholarships are awarded to students in October of the following academic year.


For automatic in-course scholarships – all Trinity students are automatically considered for Trinity’s in-course scholarships at the end of their first, second and third years. Students do not apply for these scholarships. In order to qualify for consideration, a student must complete a minimum of 4.0 credits during the fall-winter academic year in question. Scholarship recipients are selected based on their Annual Grade Point Average (AGPA).

Automatic In-Course Scholarships

Edward Franklin Borbridge Award: Established in 2009. This award is funded from an endowment established by the estate of Dorothy Deane as a memorial to her husband, Edward Franklin Borbridge. Awarded for academic excellence to a third year Trinity College Arts & Science student enrolled in any program in English with preference to a student who demonstrates financial need.

Isaac Chapman Boyd and Sarah Edith Boyd Scholarship: This scholarship was established by a bequest from the late Sarah Edith Boyd in 1957. Awarded at the end of third year for high academic achievement.

Chancellor’s Scholarships – Ashbaugh: Funded by a bequest from the Estate of Frederick K. Ashbaugh in memory of William Francis Kingston. Awarded for high academic achievement.

Chancellor’s Scholarships – St. Hilda’s: Funded by a yearly gift from the St. Hilda’s Board of Trustees. Awarded for high academic achievement.

Chancellor’s Scholarships – Wasteneys: Awarded for high academic achievement.

Mrs. F.H. Cosgrave Scholarship in Commerce and Finance: In honour of Mrs. F.H. Cosgrave, wife of Trinity’s sixth Provost. Awarded to the student with the highest overall average in a Commerce program.

Dickinson-Cartwright 3T0 Scholarship: This Scholarship, founded in 1956 by the graduating class of 1930 commemorates two graduates of that year, namely, Mary Lillian Jane Dickinson and George Stevenson Cartwright. Miss Dickinson (Mrs. G.R. Curry, who died July 20, 1950) was an outstanding student, graduating with honours. She was Head of St. Hilda’s College in 1929 to 1930 and awarded the Governor-General’s Medal in that year. George Stevenson Cartwright, a pupil at T.C.S., after a distinguished career at Trinity was elected Rhodes Scholar in 1929 and proceeded in the following year to Christ Church, Oxford. Early in the Second World War he joined the R.C.A.F. and attained the rank of pilot officer. Later he was attached to the Royal Air Force and was killed in a plane crash in November 1942. Awarded to the student for high academic achievement in any recognized specialist program.

Ian Drummond Book Prize: Awarded for high academic achievement in the International Relations program.

George Edison Prize in Philosophy: Awarded for high academic achievement in a Philosophy program.

George Gray Falle Scholarships: Awarded to the top one or two students in years 1, 2 and 3.

George Gray Falle Scholarships in English: Awarded for high academic achievement in English.

Fraser-Crawford Scholarships: Awarded for high academic achievement.

Klaus Goldschlag Scholarship in International Relations: Awarded to the student at the end of the general first year, who has demonstrated academic distinction and enrolls in the specialist program in International Relations. All University of Toronto students in the IR program are eligible.

Helen Hardy Scholarship: Awarded to the highest standing first year student in the Ethics, Society & Law Program, and renewed for subsequent years in the program so long as the student maintains a 3.50 GPA.

Michael J. Hare Award: Awarded to a student in the Bachelor of Commerce in the area of Finance and Economics, or a student in a Bachelor of Arts with a specialist or major in economics. Preference given to third and fourth year students. Awarded based on GPA and financial need.

Hart-Moorhouse Scholarship: In memory of two students, William W. Hart ’06 and Ashleigh C. Moorhouse ’06 who were drowned in the Humber River, April 7, 1906. The scholarship was founded by their fellow students and other friends. Awarded for high academic achievement in a Classics program.

L.C.A. Hodgins Scholarship in English Language and Literature: This scholarship was founded by Miss Mabel Hodgins in memory of her brother, Prof. L.C.A. Hodgins, formerly Professor of English at Trinity College. Awarded for high academic achievement in an English program.

John Holmes Scholarship: Founded by the Associates of the University of Toronto, representing alumni residing in the U.S.A., in honour of John Holmes, former Assistant Undergraduate Secretary of State for External Affairs, Honourary Fellow of Trinity College. Awarded to the specialist in International Relations with the highest standing in second year. It may be awarded to a student from any College.

George Ignatieff Scholarship: Founded by Trinity College in honour of George Ignatieff, Trinity ’36, Rhodes Scholar for Ontario 1935, distinguished Canadian diplomat, ninth Provost of Trinity College (1972-1979). Awarded to the specialist in International Relations with high standing in third year. It may be awarded to a student from any College.

Eric Jackman Scholarship in Psychology: Awarded to the top student in each year (years 1, 2 and 3) of the Psychology specialist program.

Sophie Joyce Kinch Scholarship: This scholarship, established by Miss Dia Joyce in memory of her sister, Ms. Sophie Joyce Kinch. Awarded for high academic achievement.

Elizabeth Kingstone Scholarship: This scholarship established by Steward Kingstone in memory of his cousin, the late Elizabeth Kingstone, who was a member of the secretarial staff from 1950 to 1980. Awarded to a first-year student for high academic achievement.

Mossie Waddington Kirkwood Scholarship: Founded in 1952, is the gift of members of the St. Hilda’s College Alumnae Association in appreciation of Mrs. Kirkwood and her work during her long term as the third Principal and Dean of Women at St. Hilda’s College from 1936 to 1953. Dr. Kirkwood graduated from Trinity College in 1911 proceeding to her MA degree in 1913 and Doctor of Philosophy in 1919. After her graduation in Arts & Science, she was Reader in Classics at Trinity for the academic year 1914-1915 and Lecturer in English from 1916 to 1919. For the following 10 years, she was Lecturer in English in University College and from 1921 to 1929, the Dean of Women. Awarded to a student of St. Hilda’s College for high academic achievement in any specialist program.

Honourable Ray Lawson Scholarship: Endowed by a gift of the Honourable Ray Lawson. Awarded to a first-year student for high academic achievement.

Charles Stephen MacInnes Scholarship: In memory of Charles Stephen MacInnes (1872-1952), a grandson of the first Chancellor; a distinguished graduate 1892, Q.C., C.M.G., LL.D. (Tor.) 1925; Member of Corporation and Executive Committee. Fellow in Classics 1893. Awarded to the student for high academic achievement in a program in Economics or Political Science.

Margaret MacMillan Scholarships: Created in 2009 to honour Trinity’s 13th Provost, Margaret MacMillan (2002-2007). These scholarships are awarded at the end of first year, to the student with the highest academic achievement in each stream of the Trinity One program.

Pearl McCarthy Scholarship: This scholarship was established in 1965 in memory of the late Pearl McCarthy Sabiston by friends and acquaintances. Awarded to the student completing second or third year with the highest overall average in a program in Fine Art.

Jessie Clark McPherson Scholarships: Awarded for high academic achievement.

Meltzer Memorial Scholarship in International Relations: Awarded to the specialist in International Relations with the highest standing in third year. It may be awarded to a student from any College.

John and Gladys Miller Scholarship: Awarded for high academic achievement.

Sir Gilbert Parker Scholarship in English: Horatio Gilbert Parker (1860-1932) an undergraduate in Divinity (1883-1885) and Lecturer in Elocution (1884-1885). A well-known author. Member of British House of Commons for many years. In 1931 he endowed the scholarship which bears his name. Awarded to the student with the highest overall average in the specialist program in English.

John Pettigrew Scholarship: This scholarship was established in 1977 by friends and acquaintances of the late Professor John Pettigrew B.A. (Cantab. 1955). John Pettigrew was a Lecturer in English at Trinity College from 1959 to 1963. He became Registrar of Trent University and Associate Professor of English. Awarded for high academic achievement in the specialist in English.

John Henry Pettit Scholarship in Greek and Hebrew: In honour of John Henry Pettit, who died in 1861. He was a member of a well-known United Empire Loyalist family; his grandfather was one of the first settlers in Grimsby Township. Awarded to the student for high academic achievement in either Greek or Hebrew.

The Marian A. Robertson Scholarship: Awarded for high academic achievement.

Ellen Patteson Rigby Scholarship: This scholarship, founded in memory of Mrs. Oswald Rigby (Miss Ellen Patteson), First Principal of St. Hilda’s, 1888 to 1903. Awarded to the student with the highest overall average in a specialist program in Modern Languages.

James Scott Scholarship: Founded under the will of the late James Scott (1838-1902) of Waubaushene and Parkdale, Toronto, in his lifetime a generous contributor to the College and for many years a member of Corporation. Awarded to students at the end of second or third year for high academic achievement in any specialist program.

Jessica Shelley Award: Established by Jessica Shelley, 4T5 in October 2011. Awarded to a Trinity College student who has completed the third year of a Life Sciences Program and whose past studies have included courses in at least two of the following departments/programs: Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology or Physiology.

Sodexho Award: Awarded to a student with financial need for high academic achievement.

St. Augustine Foundation Scholarship: Founded by a group of alumni and alumnae of Trinity College, principally from the years 5T1 and 5T2. Awarded for high academic achievement in a program in Religious Studies.

Hugh Stephenson Memorial Scholarship: These scholarships have been established in memory of Hugh Evans Stephenson, 5T1, by his friends and colleagues and by his employer, The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (Manulife). Awarded to a student in each year (years 1, 2 and 3) with the highest standing in a humanities program.

Elliott Grasett Strathy Scholarship: Founded in 1954 by friends of Mr. Strathy, who died on March 25, 1953. He was educated at Upper Canada College (four years) and the University of Toronto (Faculty of Applied Science) and served in the First World War from 1915 to 1918. After a successful business career he was appointed in 1937 secretary and bursar of Trinity College, a position he filled with marked distinction for 15 years until his retirement in 1952. His training in engineering was of great value to the College during the construction of St. Hilda’s College (1937-1938) and of Strachan Hall and the men’s Residences (1940-1941), when in addition to his arduous duties connected with the financial affairs of the College, he supervised the construction of these buildings. Awarded to the student with the highest overall average in a specialist program in Commerce.

Drew Thompson Scholarships: Awarded for high academic achievement.

Waddington Scholarship: Founded in honour of the late Herbert Waddington and his daughter, Mrs. Edna Dell Adams, by Mrs. M.M. Kirkwood, Principal of St. Hilda’s College (1936 to 1953). Awarded to the student with the highest mark in any one English course.

Mary White Prize: This scholarship was established in 1977 by friends and acquaintances of the late Professor Mary White, F.R.S.C. (1908-1977), BA (Queen’s), MA (Oxon.). Mary White became a Sessional Lecturer in Classics in Trinity College in 1941, Associate Professor in 1946, Chancellor Worrell Professor in 1963, and Head of Classics in 1965. She was the first woman to be head of a University Department. Awarded to the student with the highest overall average in a Classics program.

Archibald Hope Young Scholarship: In memory of Archibald Hope Young (1863-1935), MA, D.C.L. (King’s N.S.) Lecturer and Professor of Modern Languages and Philology (1892-1905); Professor of German (1905-1931); Librarian (1896-1902); and Dean of Residence (1914-1922). The scholarship was founded by his colleagues and friends. Awarded to the student with the highest combined standing in their first and second years.

The 6T3 Scholarship: Awarded for high academic achievement.



Trinity students must apply for the scholarships below. Please read the descriptions and application requirements carefully. Applications are submitted online by the deadline listed in the award description.


The Dr. Alexander Thomas Augusta Award (value up to $5,000 each; one or more awards): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

Formerly called the Trinity College BIPOC Student Award. Awarded to a Trinity student identifying as Black, Indigenous or a Person of Colour, on the basis of financial need and demonstrated or planned community contributions on or off campus. The recipient can be registered part-time or full-time in any program of study at Trinity College and must be in good academic standing.

Candidates should submit a statement outlining their eligibility for this award including a description of positive community contributions they have made and/or plan to make. Candidates should also submit a letter of reference in support of their application.

Application: Online

Deadline: May 9, 2025

Value: One or more awards, each valued at up to $5,000

Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

Birch Global Governance Scholarship (value up to $3,500): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

Awarded to one full-time University of Toronto student from any college who is enrolled in the International Relations Program as specialists or majors.

This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence and a demonstrated interest in Global Governance with a preference given to a student with a demonstrated academic or research interest in G7/G8. This scholarship is open to students entering second year but will give preference to students entering their third and fourth year of study. Applicants must submit a statement outlining their eligibility for the award along with a CV.

Application: Online

Deadline: May 9, 2025

Value: Up to $3,500 (one award)

Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

Bronskill Prize (value up to $10,000): Application Deadline February 10th, 2025

This award recognizes a student that contributes greatly to the College through extracurricular activities. It is offered to help finance the cost of residence at Trinity College for one year.

Recipient must:

  1. have made strong positive contributions to extracurricular College activities;
  2. enroll on a full-time basis in the second, third or fourth year of an undergraduate program in Arts and Science at Trinity College, Toronto for the 2025-2026 year;
  3. be a resident of Ontario;
  4. meet current criteria for financial need (normally qualifying for OSAP);
  5. normally have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.70;
  6. spend the year of the Prize award in residence (the recipient is guaranteed a spot in residence).

The application requires that you submit a full resume and a letter describing how this award will further your academic plan and student life along with a completed Budget Form for Application Awards.

Application: Online
Deadline: February 10th, 2025
Value: up to $10,000 (one award)
Awarded: Early March 2025 (prior to the residence reapplication deadline), payment made in Fall 2025

Buscombe Awards (value up to $5,000 each; one or more awards): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

These awards are available to Trinity College students entering their final year of registration in 2025-2026.

Please submit a statement of application that addresses how you fit the criteria listed below along with a completed Budget Form for Application Awards.

  • Registered at Trinity College throughout undergraduate career, and entering the final year of study.
  • Maintained the required academic standards in each year of study.
  • No significant financial means other than through student loans and employment.
  • Established to the satisfaction of the Student Awards Committee constructive career plans following the acquisition of a degree.
  • Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Established to the satisfaction of the Student Awards Committee active involvement in community service.
  • Preference shall be given to students who participate actively in the life of the College.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: up to $5,000 each (one or more awards)
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

Robert H. Catherwood Scholarship (value up to $6,500 each; up to two awards): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

Awarded to full-time University of Toronto students, from any College, beginning their fourth year of undergraduate studies and enrolled in the International Relations Program as specialists or majors.

The scholarship is awarded on the equally weighted basis of academic excellence, financial need and a demonstrated interest in the issues, institutions or members of the G8/G20 and demonstrated personal leadership, as evidenced by course selection, academic work and extracurricular activities. Applicants must submit a statement outlining their eligibility for this award, a resumé, a statement of academic results, and a personal budget for the year.  In addition to providing a budget, applicants should ensure they provide an explanation of their financial need in the personal statement and outline the impact receiving this scholarship would have on their financial situation.

Application: Online

Deadline: May 9, 2025

Value: Up to two scholarships, each valued at up to $6,500

Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

The Derek Pearson Henderson Allen Award (value up to $6,000): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

This award was created in 2023 to honour Professor Derek Allen’s contributions to the Trinity College community, particularly during his sixteen-year tenure as Trinity’s Dean of Arts.
Awarded to a student, from any college, entering third-year or fourth year in September 2025, and enrolled in the Ethics, Society, and Law program. Applicants will have made a contribution to society by volunteering and advancing social justice initiatives, to help improve the lives of individuals or groups who are disadvantaged or subject to injustice. Applicants must meet current financial need requirements and have a minimum 3.30 CGPA.

Applicants must submit a statement outlining their eligibility for the award along with a letter of reference pertaining to their involvement in social justice initiatives.

Application: Online

Deadline: May 9, 2025

Value: up to $6,000 (one award)

Awarded: June 2025, payment made in September 2025 upon registration

George Gray Falle Scholarships in English (value up to $2,000 each; one or more awards): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

This scholarship is available to Trinity College students entering second, third or fourth year in 2025-2026 who are enrolled in English programs, with consideration given to majors and specialists.

Applications are assessed on the basis of marks, courses taken, letters of recommendation and extra-curricular activities related to the study of English. Please submit a letter outlining the courses that you are completing this session, your course choices for next year, your long-term academic plans, and any related extra-curricular activities.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: up to $2,000 each (one or more awards)
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

The Mary B. and Graham Hallward Award (value $15,000 each; one award): Application Deadline February 10th, 2025

Awarded to a full-time, Trinity College undergraduate student currently registered in first or second year and entering second or third year for the 2025-26 Fall-Winter Session. The recipient must live in residence at Trinity College and demonstrate financial need, high academic achievement, and an ongoing commitment to one or more of the arts, athletics and/or contributions to the community. Please submit a statement of application that addresses your eligibility for this award, along with a completed Budget Form for Application Awards and a letter of reference relating to your commitment to the arts, athletics and/or contributions to the community.

Application: Online
Deadline: February 10th, 2025
Value: $15,000 (one award)
Awarded: Early March 2025 (prior to the residence reapplication deadline), payment made in Fall 2025

William and Nona Heaslip Scholarships (value $15,000 per year twice renewable; two awards): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

These awards were established to provide continuing funding for Trinity College students who have financial need, strong but not necessarily outstanding academic performance (minimum 3.0 CGPA), and positive community participation.

Application is open to students admitted in September 2024 who will be entering second year in September 2025. The award is renewable for the third and fourth years of study as long as recipients continue to demonstrate financial need, maintain the required CGPA and remain actively involved in the College and/or community. Please submit a letter of application outlining your eligibility for this award, focusing on what you expect from your university career and how you hope it will unfold, along with one letter of reference and a completed Budget Form for Application Awards. The selection procedure may include an interview with the committee.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: $15,000 per year (two awards) – twice renewable
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

Scotty Matthews-Firasat Khan Award (value up to $2,500; one award): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

Awarded to a Trinity College student with financial need, in any year of study, who contributes positively to College life through extra-curricular activities.

The award will be by application to the Student Awards Committee. The selection of the recipient is based on the level of College involvement, however, the recipient must have a minimum CGPA of 2.70. Please submit a full resume and a letter describing how this award will further your academic plan and student life along with a completed Budget Form for Application Awards.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: up to $2,500 (one award)
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

Neil Reid McLeod Scholarship (value up to $4,000; one award): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

One award either to a student registered in Trinity College for one year’s study at one of University of Edinburgh, Glasgow University, University of St. Andrews, or to a student from one of these three universities to study at the University of Toronto.

Open either for an undergraduate year of study or for a graduate year of study. Please submit a letter outlining your proposed course of study.

Please note that applicants are not required to use a U of T email address when applying for this award.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: up to $4,500 (one award)
Awarded: June 2025, payment made in fall 2025 upon receipt of proof of registration

Claudia Morawetz Award in Leadership (value up to $10,000; one award): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

This award recognizes a student that contributes to society in a leadership capacity.

Recipient must:

  1. Have made a positive contribution to society by volunteering in initiatives which advance society in a positive way
  2. Enroll on a full-time basis in the third or fourth year of an undergraduate program in Arts and Science at Trinity College, Toronto for the 2025-2026 year
  3. Meet current criteria for financial need (normally qualifying for OSAP)
  4. Have a minimum CGPA of 2.70

The application requires that you submit a resume, a completed Budget Form for Application Awards, and a statement of application that answers the following two questions:

  1. Describe activities in which you have participated in recently where you have taken on a leadership role, or contributed to the development of a program which advances positive change in society. Activities can be through College, in your community, or at a national or global level.  Sports, social, or other extra-curricular activities for personal versus community development are not applicable to this award.
  1. Describe good citizenship role(s) you aspire to, and how your education and/or your community volunteerism will help you reach that goal.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: Up to $10,000 (one award)
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in fall 2025 upon receipt of proof of registration

Provost Painter Award in Drama (value up to $500; one award): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

Awarded to a current third-year student entering fourth-year in September 2025, who has been actively involved in the Trinity College Dramatic Society.

Please submit a letter outlining your involvement in the TCDS.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: up to $500 (one or more awards)
Awarded: July 2025,  payment made in September 2025

William Rogers Memorial Scholarship (value up to $2,000, one award): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

This award is available to an undergraduate Trinity College student studying in France for the 2025-2026 session.

If no suitable candidate is found, then students studying in France for the 2025 summer session or students studying in other European countries for 2025-2026 will be considered. Please submit a letter of application outlining your proposed course of study along with an academic letter of reference.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: up to $2,000 (one award)
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in fall 2025 upon receipt of proof of registration

Rolph Award (value up to $3,500 each; one or more awards): Application Deadline Jan. 24th, 2025

This award is given to Trinity College students currently enrolled in courses or programs that have significant Canadian content and who have demonstrated financial need.

Applicants must be Ontario residents. The application requires that you submit a letter of application outlining your eligibility for this award along with a completed Trinity College Bursary Application.

Application: Online
Deadline: January 24th, 2025
Value: up to $3,500 each (one or more awards)
Awarded: March 2025

Solar Panel First-Year Award (value up to $2,000): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

Awarded to a current first-year student entering second year in September 2025, who demonstrates an active interest and commitment to issues pertaining to the environment and sustainability through co-curricular involvement on campus.

Applicants must submit a statement outlining their eligibility for the award along with a CV and a letter of reference pertaining to their co-curricular involvement. This award is funded, as voted on by the TCM in 2007, from net revenues generated by the Larkin solar panels.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: up to $2,000
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025

St. Hilda's College Board of Trustees Leadership Award (4 awards valued at up to $4,000 each): Application Deadline May 2, 2025

Awarded to female students, with preference given to graduating students, who through service and leadership positions have made significant positive contributions to the Trinity College Community.

Recipients must be in good academic standing. Candidates will apply with a written statement, a copy of their CV and one reference.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 2, 2025
Value: 4 awards valued at up to $4,000 each
Awarded: June 2025

The Tom Yen Award in Advocacy (value up to $3,000): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

Awarded to an undergraduate student at Trinity College who has demonstrated exceptional advocacy for any cause within Trinity College, the University of Toronto or the world at large. Recipients must have a minimum 2.70 GPA. Please submit a statement of application that addresses your eligibility for this award, along with a letter of reference relating to your advocacy work.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: Up to $3,000 (one award)
Awarded: July 2025

The John Harvey Whiteside Scholarship (value $15,000 per year, twice renewable; one award): Application Deadline May 9, 2025

This scholarship has been established to provide continuing funding for a Trinity College student who is registered in an Honours Bachelor of Arts or Commerce program, and who is not also receiving another significant continuing scholarship.

Candidates are to have strong academic records and good records of positive community participation. The award is for a student entering second year and is renewable for the third year and fourth year of study as long as the recipient maintains a minimum 3.50 AGPA each year on a minimum of 4.0 credits, and remains positively involved in the College and/or University and/or community. Applicants must submit a letter outlining their eligibility for the award along with a CV and one letter of reference.

Application: Online
Deadline: May 9, 2025
Value: $15,000 per year (one award), twice renewable
Awarded: July 2025, payment made in September 2025


Questions about our scholarship & financial aid program? Contact:

Office of the Registrar