- TRIN=circulating collection
- TRIF=reference collection
- TRIN/WYC=circulating collection
- TRIF/WYC=reference collection
- TRINSTOR=in storage: please ask for items with this in the call #
- TRIN/WYC STOR=in storage: please ask for items with this in the call #
General Surveys
Recent Sources
- Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church in physical format TRIN/WYC; also available online through UTL.
- Westminster Dictionary of Church History (2008) TRIF/WYC
- Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity (1990) TRIF
- The Christian Tradition (Pelikan) 5 vols. (1971-1989) TRIN
- New International Dictionary of the Christian Church (1978) TRIF/WYC
- World Christian Encyclopedia (Barrett) (1982) TRIF
- The Cambridge history of Christianity (2005-) While this links to one record, the multi-volume set is found in the same call number range. TRIN
- Turning points: decisive moments in the history of Christianity Mark A. Noll. (2000) TRIN/WYC
- A history of medieval Christianity: prophecy and order. J. R. Russell. (2000) TRIN
- A World history of Christianity. Adrian Hastings. (1999) TRIN
- Jesus and the rise of early Christianity: a history of New Testament times. P.W. Barnett. (1999) TRIN/WYC
Classic Sources
- Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (1908-1927) TRIF/TRIN/WYC STOR/TRINSTOR
- History of the Christian Church (Schaff) (1884) TRIN/WYC STOR; TRINSTOR – also online.
- Creeds of Christendom (Schaff) (1883) TRIN
- Library of Christian Classics (series) TRIN/WYC STOR – this is a multi-volume set.
Early Church Period
- Ante-Nicene Fathers (series)
- Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (series) – also online.
- Encyclopedia of the Early Church (Di Berardino) (1992) BR66.5 .D5813 TRIF – also, 2014 edition is available online.
- Cambridge Ancient History (1970-)
- Patrology (Quasten)
- Apostolic Fathers (Lightfoot)
- Augustine literature BR65 .A80 – while this links to one record, there is an abundance of titles pertaining to Augustine with this call number range.
Medieval Period
- Cambridge Mediaeval History (1911) D117 .C10
- Church History: Middle Ages BR 251+
- Wycliffe literature BX4905
Reformation Period
- Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation TRIF – also available online through the link provided.
- Parker Society (series) BX5130 (Search under “Parker Society” as author)
- Luther literature BR330
- Calvin literature BX9420
- Cranmer literature BX5199 .C83
Post-Sixteenth Century
- Cambridge Modern History D208 .C10 TRIN – also available online through the link provided.
- History of Christian Missions (Neill)
- Wesley literature BX821
Anglican Sources
- Anglicanism (Neill) (1977) TRINTRIN/WYC STOR
- The Study of Anglicanism (Sykes) (1998) TRIN, TRIN/WYC STOR
- Dictionary of English Church History (Ollard) (1948) TRIF – also available online.
- The Anglican Tradition: A Handbook of Sources (Evans) (1991) TRIN, TRIN/WYC STOR
- Love’s redeeming work: the Anglican quest for holiness (Rowell et al) (2001) TRIN/WYC
- Anglican history and theology : documents ed. C.T. McIntire, A.Hayes, D. Neelands. (1998) TRIN
Church of England
- Prayer Book BX 5145
- Liturgy BX5141
- Thirty-Nine Articles BR5137
- Parker Society (series) BX5130
- Anglican biographies BX5199
- Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury (Hook) – also available online.
- (General Works) BX5035
- (Pre-Reformation) BX4900+, BX5056+
- (Reformation) BX5067
- (Post-Reformation) BX5073+
- Grove booklets: Worship, Liturgy BX5003
Anglican Church of Canada
- Diocesan histories BX5611+
- Parish histories BX5617
- Biographies BX5618
World-Wide Anglicanism
- Lambeth councils BX5021
- Ireland BX5410+
- Asia BX5671+
- Africa BX5691+
- Australia BX5701+
- United States BX5880+
Other Denominational Sources
- New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967-1996) TRIF
- Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith (1992) TRIF
- Encyclopedia of American Religions (Melton) (2009) TRIF
Country-Specific Sources
- English church history BR741-BR767
- North American church history BR515-BR600
- (New) Dictionary of National Biography (UK) DA28 .D51 TRIF (Available online through UTL; see also the CD-ROM version of the older DNB available online in the Graham Library
- Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches TRIF
- Historical atlas of Christianity by F.H. Littell. 2nd ed. (2001). TRIF WYC.
- Atlas of the Christian Church (Chadwick) (1987) TRIF
- Atlas of the Bible and Christianity by T. Dowley. (1997) TRIF.
See other Church History resources listed under the following guides:
- CD-ROMs in Theological Studies
- Video and Kit Resources in Theology, Church History, and Anglicanism
- Anglican Resources (Graham Library)
- Church History (Graham Library)
Prepared by Gary Graber, January 1998; revised Ovt. 2018 by Tom Power.