Graham Journal Service for Trinity & Wycliffe Students
Graham Journal Service is the John W. Graham Library’s premium time-sensitive document delivery service for TST Trinity and Wycliffe students conducting research during their basic or advanced degree programme. The Journal Service retrieves journal articles, book essays and chapters from the Graham Library, other University of Toronto libraries, online databases, and interlibrary loans. Items are delivered to your email address. It is geared towards meeting immediate research needs. We aim to fill requests within 3 business days.
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For all Graham Journal questions and requests:
While this service is similar to the Graham InfoExpress Service provided to faculty, it does not provide books and other physical materials from other University of Toronto libraries or through interlibrary loans.
Who provides the Graham Journal Service?
The main contact is Adrienne Findley-Jones. Adrienne will be your contact for any requests and she will follow up with you on the progress of your request. Adrienne will be assisted by student staff at the Graham Library. All of the staff at the Graham Library play a role in ensuring that articles and book sections are available and accessible on a timely basis. If you need research assistance, please email our Instructional and Theology Reference Librarian, Rebekah Bedard.
Who is eligible to use Graham Journal Service?
All conjoint and non-conjoint TST advanced and basic degree students at Trinity and Wycliffe Colleges, especially those in their thesis/dissertation writing phase, are eligible to use the service. Conjoint students must have a valid TCard, and non-conjoint must have a valid Graham Library card. All interested students must register for the service by mailing Adrienne at Registration is open all year. Auditors are not eligible to use this service.
Information required for registration: college, library ID number (TCard or Graham issued card) and preferred email address.
Does Graham Journal Service require payment?
The service is free and unlimited. Though rare, your request may involve a small cost to process from the lending library; if so, that cost will be passed onto you and payment will be needed before the article is sent to you.
How do I submit a Request? How long does it take?
Please send Graham Journal Service requests to Adrienne at Include as much citation information as possible to allow us to quickly identify the articles you require. Email ensures that we have a paper trail to track your request. When your email request is received, Graham Journal Service will send you an email confirmation.
How long does it take?
We try to deliver requested articles to you within three business days. If an item cannot be delivered to you within three business days, we will notify you by email and continually update you on our efforts to retrieve the item.
If I send a list of items, how long will it take for Graham Journal Service to retrieve all of the items on the list?
We do not place a limit on the number of articles you can request. When you send your requests to Graham Journal Service, we will deliver them to you as we receive them, rather than waiting to gather them all for a one-time delivery. Your email serves as your request ticket in the system. Depending on the number of requests we have from other users of the service, we may have to limit the number of documents we can deliver to you in any one day. We will provide you updates on our progress as we work through your list. All files will be sent as PDFs unless requested otherwise.
How much of a text or journal can I ask for?
All book essays, chapters, and journal articles will follow copyright provisions. This means 1 chapter or 10%, whichever is greater. This also means 1 article per journal issue and one essay per book (i.e., a request for 2 articles from the Journal of Biblical Interpretation vol 4 issue 3 will not be fulfilled: you will receive the first article requested). Graham Journal will send you the item as an email attachment, which you can print yourself if you wish.
Can I use Graham Journal Service for my TA/RA purposes?
The Journal service is specifically for your research and writing needs. Its intention is to provide you with the benefit of having your own RA. Faculty have access to the InfoExpress service, which is for their research and writing needs.
Can I recommend a book through Graham Journal Service?
Absolutely! If the material you request is not available at any of the 44 U of T campus libraries, and you believe that the material would be an asset to the Graham Library, you may suggest a title for purchase.
I’m also an instructor. Can I use Graham Journal Service?
As an instructor, you are eligible to use the Graham InfoExpress service for faculty during the term or academic year you are teaching. Please indicate when you register what academic terms you are teaching. Once you are no longer an instructor, you will be eligible to continue in the Graham Journal Service.