

West side of the John W. Graham Library (Bosanquet garden side doors):

  • There is a power-assisted door with a push-plate to enter the library and three steps up to the main level of the library.
  • There is an elevator available from this level to the main floor, but it does not stop on this level during regular service. When access to the elevator from the west entrance is required, press the call button next to the elevator to notify library staff at the Circulation Desk who will call the elevator to stop on this floor.
  • If you wish to exit via the west door, please notify staff at the Circulation Desk to enable the elevator to stop at this floor.

Outside of the east entrance (the driveway side):

  • When entering the library from the east side, there is a ramp from the north and two power-assisted doors with push-plates to enter the building.
  • When leaving from the east entrance, only the exterior door has a push-plate; the interior door has a motion sensor. If you need assistance opening the interior door to the East exit, please notify our staff at the Circulation Desk.


  • There is one elevator that services the basement, ground, second, and third floors.
  • No elevator button is higher than 120 cm above the floor.
  • There are no braille characters, no audio announcements, and no audible floor indicators within the elevator.
  • The elevator may be accessed from the west entrance (Bosanquet garden side doors). Press the call button next to the elevator to notify library staff at the Circulation Desk who will call the elevator to stop on this floor.
  • To exit via the west door using the elevator, please notify staff at the Circulation Desk to enable the elevator to stop at this floor.

Fire Exits

  • The ground level fire exits lead to stairs in the hallway (Cloister) outside of the library.
  • There are four steps at the north end library exit, and eight steps at the south end.
  • Fire exits from the second floor, third floor lead into a stairwell in the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy.
  • The basement fire exits have four steps up to an exit door that leads to an exterior stairwell with 11 steps up.


  • There is one accessible single-user washroom at the south end of the basement level of the library.
  • The door can be opened with a push button.
  • The locking mechanism is a twist lever.
  • The water tap is operated by motion sensor.
  • There are grab bars behind and to the left of the toilet.
  • There is an emergency call feature, which is operated by pulling a string.

Computer Access

  • All computer workstations in the library have a desktop at least 63 cm above the floor.
  • All seated-height computers require an UTORid to log in, as do two of the standing computers.
  • The computers that don’t require a login only access the catalogue.
  • All computers have ZoomText and Kurzweil 3000.


  • The aisles between book shelves on the second and third floors are almost all at least 96 cm wide. There are a small number of aisles that are narrower, occasionally as little as 83 cm wide.
  • The book stacks are over two metres high.
  • Books are shelved at all levels including the top and bottom shelves.
  • There are a number of rolling step stools in the stacks.

Staff Assistance

  • Any library staff would be happy to assist patrons with searching for items in the online catalogue, locating and retrieving materials in the stacks and other library related tasks.

Click here for further information about architectural and physical accessibility of the Trinity campus