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Mental Health Resources

Overall well-being, including mental and emotional health, is a significant part of what makes students academically successful. Trinity College is committed to providing programming and support that promote student mental health and well-being.

Trinity’s Mental Health Program and the Anne Steacy Counselling Initiative provides a variety of mental health services that aim to support student wellness. Available services include, Trinity’s Director, Community Wellness Jasmin Guest and Trinity’s On-site Counsellor. Jasmin supports Trinity College students with their health and wellness needs, including working one-on-one with students and connecting students with appropriate services and supports. Trinity’s On-site Counsellor is a psychotherapist and provides focused, short-term counselling to students.

Staff in Trinity’s Office of the Dean of Students and Office of the Registrar are also available to help students, connecting them with applicable services and supports. We encourage students to reach out to any of these mentioned resources should they have questions or need help.


Help at Trinity College

Help at the University of Toronto

  • Health & Wellness Centre: 416-978-8030 (located in the Koffler Centre at 214 College Street West). Students are able to access mental health and primary care services at the Health and Wellness Centre. Mental health services include: psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychological assessments and documentation.
  • U of T: Support when you feel distressed web page
  • Community Safety Office: 416-978-1485
  • OISE Psychology Clinic
  • Mindful Moments

Phone Counselling Lines

  • Good2Talk: 1-866-925-5454 (24/7 professional counseling, information and referrals helpline for mental health, addictions and students well-being)
  • U of T Telus Health Student Support: 1-844-451-9700. Outside of North America, call 001-416-380-6578. (24/7 culturally-competent mental health and counseling services in 146 languages for all U of T students)
  • Gerstein Centre: 416-929-5200 (24/7 counselling for people in the GTA with mobile crisis team)
  • Distress Centre: 416-408-HELP (4357) (24/7 counselling for people in the GTA)

Help in the Community


Questions or comments should be directed to:

Office of the Dean of Students