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Information about Pests

As with any shared living space, issues with bedbugs and other pests can arise while living in residence. When this happens, the Office of the Dean of Students and the Facilities Services Department work on an individual basis with students to eradicate the issue. Below we have included information about our pest control protocols and procedures. We have also outlined how to engage with the Office of the Dean of Students should you suspect that you have a pest issue.


Unwanted pests will, at times, make their home in communal living space, such as residence buildings. To ensure pests do not become an issue, Trinity encourages students to engage in pest prevention efforts.

Residents should:

  • Keep their living space clean
  • Keep food in sealed containers
  • Not leave open food or dirty food containers in their space
  • Not accumulate garbage in their room
  • Not accumulate clutter in their room
  • Clean up any spills and wipe down surfaces that have been in contact with food
  • Use a mattress cover on their bed, between the mattress and the sheets

At Trinity College, all residence rooms are lightly cleaned weekly by our custodial staff. This frequent cleaning, including vacuuming of floors, light dusting and removal of garbage will help to prevent pest issues. If you suspect that you or your community has a pest issue, you are encouraged to report this issue promptly to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Suspect you have a pest problem?

Trinity College has an evidence-informed process for responding to a variety of pest issues. The exact process initiated will depend on the type of pest. In all cases, Trinity College will liaise with the impacted student to communicate the process, detail next steps, and answer any questions.

To file a pest report:
  1. Go to the Office of the Dean of Students or Welcome Desk and fill out a Pest Report. You will be asked to provide a pest sample or picture of the pest/signs of the pest for identification purposes.
  2. After reviewing your report, the Office of the Dean of Students will liaise with the Facilities Department to determine next steps.
  3. The Office of the Dean of Students will follow-up with you regarding next steps, which could include:
  • Inspection by a K-9 unit (dogs trained to identify bugs)
  • Initiation of pest eradication treatment

If you have further questions about pest prevention or reporting, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students.

Learn more about bedbugs

What are bedbugs?

Bedbugs are small, wingless bugs that feed primarily on blood. If bedbugs are present, they usually live close to the vicinity of where the “host” sleeps. Bedbugs can’t fly or jump. Bedbugs are not a health threat and have not been shown to spread disease to humans.

What do bedbugs look like?

Bedbugs are visible to the naked eye. An adult bedbug is approximately the size of an apple seed, flat and brown or rusty-red in colour. Eggs are whitish and pearl shaped, the size of a pin head and usually found in a clusters.






What are some signs of bedbugs?

When looking for evidence of bedbugs, focus on the bed, mattress, linens and the area immediately around the bed. Evidence may include:

  • Black/brown spots (dried blood or bug feces)
  • White spots (eggs)
  • Live or dead bedbugs

Bites are small, itchy red bumps (typically two or three in a row), usually found around the arms, hands or upper torso. The bites may resemble mosquito or other insect bites, therefore, a bump alone does not mean that you have been in contact with bedbugs. For more information, check out the Government of Canada Bedbug Information and Resource Page.

What is the bedbug treatment process?

In the case that a student has a confirmed case of bedbugs, the following process will be initiated to eradicate the bedbugs.

  1. The Office of the Dean of Students will notify the affected student, via email, of their room treatment schedule. Bedbug eradication requires a minimum of two treatments, which are generally two weeks apart.
  2. The Office of the Dean of Students will provide the student with clear instructions on how to prepare their room for bedbug treatment. Students will be provided with laundry cards and other materials to prepare their room. The Facilities Department is able to support students with room preparation if required.
  3. On the day of treatment the affected student will be asked to vacate their room for 7-8 hours; the bed bug treatment takes 1-1.5 hours and requires 6 hours for the fumes to dissipate.
  4. If the bedbugs are not eradicated after two treatments, additional treatments may be required.

Note: During the bedbug treatment process, relocating rooms is not possible.

We recognize that having bedbugs is stressful. Getting rid of them requires a lot of hard work and patience. During the treatment process we encourage all students to communicate with the Office of the Dean of Students to ensure they understand what is going on and have all their questions answered. If you need health and wellness support, please click here for additional information.


If you have any questions about pests or Trinity’s policies and procedures, please contact:

Office of the Dean of Students