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Episkopon Policy


Trinity College has officially disassociated itself from Episkopon, an unofficial group historically comprising Trinity College students, which has declined to reform itself appropriately and whose activities have accordingly been determined by the Trinity College Senate and the Trinity College Board of Trustees to be incompatible with the fundamental values of Trinity College, and injurious to its members and good name.

This Policy is intended to support College Officers and the Trinity College community in appropriately addressing the possible adverse effects of Episkopon on Trinity College and its members. The College seeks to balance the right of students to freedom of assembly, association and expression and individual privacy with its responsibility to enforce its disassociation from Episkopon.

Trinity College does not permit Episkopon events (where “Episkopon Event” is defined as a gathering of students held in the name of Episkopon, whether the Scribe or Editors are present or not, which involves commentary upon other students in the form of a “reading” or which involves any form of initiation or induction ceremony) on property owned or controlled by the College.

Trinity College forbids the use of its name, or words or images that convey the same meaning, in any material advertising Episkopon by representing Trinity College as being, or implying that Trinity College is, currently associated with Episkopon.

Neither the College nor the Trinity College Meeting shall have any financial involvement with Episkopon.

The College forbids the use of shared community or “bookable” College space for Episkopon purposes.

The following text is included in the Trinity College Discipline Code:

“Episkopon Offences
  1. No student shall organize or participate in an “Episkopon Event” on any property owned or controlled by Trinity College. An “Episkopon Event” is defined as a gathering of students held in the name of Episkopon, whether the Scribe or Editors are present or not, which involves commentary upon other students in the form of a “reading” or which involves any form of initiation or induction ceremony.
  2. No student organizing any Trinity College event, whether to be held on or off College property, shall permit Episkopon activities to be associated with or publicized in connection with the event.
  3. No student shall use the Trinity College name, or words or images that convey the same meaning, in any printed or electronic material advertising Episkopon by representing Trinity College as being, or implying that Trinity College is, currently associated with Episkopon.
  4. No student shall obtain, or attempt to obtain, Trinity College funding, including any funds of the TCM or any student incidental fees that have been collected by the College, to support, directly or indirectly, any Episkopon Event, as defined above. No student shall book or use space for Episkopon purposes.”

Approved by the Trinity College Board of Trustees, April 15, 2010

Note: Trinity College disassociated itself from Episkopon in 1992. This Policy is intended to support College Officers and the Trinity College community in appropriately addressing the possible adverse effects of Episkopon on Trinity College and its members.