“The Cycle of Criminalization: A Walls to Bridges Collective Workshop” was organized and hosted by the Hart House Debates and Dialogue Committee on March 7, 2019. The event was spearheaded by Kiellan Rook, a Trinity One alum who is now majoring in Ethics, Society & Law (ES&L).
Well-attended by Trinity and ES&L students as well as community members, faculty, undergrad and grad students from across the university, the experiential workshop allowed participants to explore the cycle of criminalization and to share in an exchange about its impacts.
The facilitators, including Dr. Simone Davis, Acting Director of the Ethics, Society & Law program, are all longtime members of the Walls to Bridges Collective, a public awareness and facilitator team dedicated to promoting peace-building dialogue and educating the public about the issues faced by people in the system. The Walls to Bridges program, now coming to Trinity College, offers university courses to classes comprised of university-based and incarcerated students, providing the opportunity for people to teach, learn (and unlearn bias) as they study together.
Photos by Melody Chi Lok Chan
Categories: Arts & Science; Ethics, Society & Law; Student News