The Humphrys Chaplain. Weddings in the chapel may be performed by outside officiants; couples are encouraged to connect with a specific minister or congregation in preparation for marriage. If you do not have a particular officiant in mind, you are welcome to consult the chaplain for help in finding one.
Interfaith and Ecumenical Weddings. When the partners come from different religious backgrounds, more than one tradition may be involved in the ceremony. Some denominations have restrictions about interdenominational or interfaith marriage (the Anglican tradition does not); couples are urged to make themselves aware as soon as possible of special requirements required by other faiths. Clergy of other religions may also share in the service as arranged with the couple’s officiant.
Director of Music. Music chosen should be in keeping with the character of Christian marriage. All arrangements regarding music in the chapel must be discussed with the College’s director of music. You are encouraged to make this connection at least a month before the ceremony. Please see below for additional information about Music at Your Wedding (see below).
Recording. The use of recording equipment, including video with sound, must be cleared in advance with the director of music and confirmed with the officiant at the rehearsal.
Sanctuary. The altar and the credence table are not to be moved for any reason. Nothing except articles necessary for the Eucharist may be placed on the altar.
Ceremonial. The verger will arrange for other furnishings, such as a lectern, signing table and kneeling cushions, for the ceremony.
Organ. The nave (positiv) organ normally kept in the Lady Chapel is not to be disconnected or moved without the organist’s permission. Nothing is to be placed on its console.
Pews. The chapel pews are not to be decorated in any way that could cause damage.
Flowers. When flowers are delivered to the college, please ensure that the surnames of your wedding party are on them. Vases of flowers may be placed on any of the stone surfaces at the peripheries of the liturgical space. Two matching floral arrangements up to a metre wide and a half-metre high may be placed on the retable (high altar).
Other Decorations. Safety regulations do not permit the use of carpets in the nave aisle; nor may canopies, awnings or other special decorations be erected inside the chapel space.
Removal. The couple is responsible for assuring that all decorations are removed immediately following the ceremony. Flowers may be left on the retable – for the enjoyment of our many visitors – by arrangement with the Verger or the Humphrys Chaplain.
Exit Ceremony. It is forbidden to throw confetti, rice, flower petals, birdseed or similar materials in or on college property. By signing the application form you agree to a further charge to cover the cost of cleaning if your guests break this rule. Please ask your officiant to announce the rules regarding confetti to your guests. You may wish to have an announcement in your order of service.
Capacity. The main chapel holds 170 comfortably. Seated “overflow” accommodation of about 35 is possible in the Lady Chapel. The standing room section at the rear should be left vacant.
Parking. Parking facilities are limited near the college. The Verger can advise on guest parking in the vicinity.
Wheelchair Access. The exit on the east side of the chapel at the front is on the same level as the sidewalk outside, and can be unlocked by the Verger. Please request this at the rehearsal. We recommend that an usher be present in the vicinity to greet such persons and provide them with orders of service and other materials as required. You might inform your guests about wheelchair access with your invitation.
Safety. It is recommended that an usher be present at all times in the chapel, at the base of the stairs leading down from the narthex, and that guests be encouraged to use the handrails provided, if required. Neither the chapel nor the college is responsible for injuries.
Interpretation. In cases of uncertainty, or further elaboration of these policies, the interpretation or ruling of the chaplain is final. The authority of the chaplain, and in her stead the officiant, is absolute in all matters relating to the wedding service.
When you choose to have your wedding in Trinity College Chapel, you must honour and respect its musical and liturgical traditions, which are as vital to the Chapel as are its stone and glass.
We strive to ensure that the music we offer in worship here is the very best we can offer, and that it transcends the (often) banal or mundane of which we hear too much in our daily lives. Popular music is inappropriate in our worship, as it is meant to entertain its listeners, rather than to lift our hearts, minds and souls to God.
You need to choose appropriate music for:
Other incidental music is played or sung:
A hymn may be sung by the congregation (keep in mind that the congregation should be familiar with it, and be up to the challenge, or it will fail).
If you wish to have a singer, or a small choir, these will be arranged with the Organist and Choirmaster, or with the Organ Scholar (An honorarium is set for each singer, in addition to the normal fees for a wedding).
Keep in mind that not all organ music is in the repertoire of our musicians, and that the scope of the organ in the Chapel may not allow some music to be effective.
The Organist and Choirmaster or the Bevan Organ Scholar will be pleased to meet with you to choose appropriate music to make your celebration a joyous and dignified event.
– Program Director, Music & College Organist
Here is a representative list of music which is appropriate to the occasion, the space, and the chapel instrument. It is not exclusive, but is meant to start you in the right direction. Follow the youtube links to listen to the pieces.
For the Procession
(Note: only one piece is played during the entrance of the bride and her attendants – the bride does not enter alone)
Air (Water Music), Handel (
Air (Orchestral Suite in D), Bach (
Prelude to “Te Deum,” Charpentier (
Trumpet Voluntaries by
Signing the Register
Jesu, joy of our desiring, Bach (
Air (Orchestral Suite in D), Bach (
Prelude on “Rhosymedre,” Vaughan Williams (
Music as you leave the Chapel
Sinfonia (Cantata 29), Bach (
Hornpipe (Water Music), Handel (
Allegro maestoso (Sonata II), Mendelssohn (
Toccata (Symphony V), Widor (
Wedding March, Mendelssohn (
Event Services & Catering
416-946-7422 (fax)
Location: Main level of the Trinity College Building, Office 105
Hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (Evenings and Weekends by appointment only)