Chapel Services
During the fall term of 2024, the following in-person services are offered in the chapel:
Sunday, 4 pm – Holy Eucharist (in the Lady-chapel)
Tuesday, 5:15 pm – Divinity Community Eucharist
Wednesday, 5:15 pm – Choral Evensong
Divinity students also participate in three online services each week; for more information, please contact the Faculty of Divinity.
The annual Advent Lessons and Carols service is scheduled for Sunday, December 8, at 4 pm.
There are many other activities (classes, concerts, rehearsals, and the monthly Sacred Music in a Sacred Space and Trinity Bach Project series) as well as occasional liturgies during the academic term. For further information, please contact the chaplain at or 416-978-3288.
For information about the services of the Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Mission, please visit
Funerals and Memorial Services
We try whenever possible to make the Chapel available for funerals and memorial services to members of the wider university community, and to graduates and former staff of Trinity College. Please contact the chaplain to discuss this possibility.
Detailed wishes around funeral details may be recorded by individuals at any time with the chaplain’s office, and a pamphlet to help with this is available. It must be understood, however, that the legal next-of-kin are those who have the final power of determination with regard to funeral arrangements.
Trinity College Chapel: 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto
The Rev’d Canon Andrea Budgey, Humphrys Chaplain
Thomas Bell, Choirmaster
Peter Bayer, Bevan Organ Scholar