Legacy Giving
Choose the donation method that best suits you and your estate. Then speak to Trinity College’s gift planning staff – we’re here to help. If you wish to direct your gift to a specific area or program, please contact us for detailed bequest language.
A bequest in your will
Once your needs and the needs of our loved ones have been met, leave a lasting legacy at Trinity with a donation in your will How to word your bequest:
“To pay to Trinity College, in the University of Toronto, presently located at 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto, ON (BN 11926 9751 RR0001) _____ % of the residue of my estate [or the sum of $___________] to be used by Trinity College for its general purposes.”
Assigning the College as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
Could there be a better policy than supporting our brightest hopes? Donate life insurance by transferring ownership and/or beneficiary status of an existing or new policy to Trinity College.
Designating the College as beneficiary of your RRSP/RRIF
Plan for a bright future with your RRSP/RRIF – and plan for the future of the College by naming it as your beneficiary.
A gift from your tax-free savings account
Enhance the student experience by naming the College as the beneficiary of your tax free savings account.
If you are considering a gift of property, such as art collections, rare books, academic papers, real estate or other valuables, please contact us.
When you inform Trinity College of your plans, you will be invited to join the Gerald Larkin Society, a special group of Trinity’s alumni and friends who have chosen to create their legacy by giving back to the College and our students.
The Gerald Larkin Society acknowledges donors who have made a legacy gift to Trinity College.
Mr. Larkin, who headed the Salada Tea Company from 1922 to 1957, was an extraordinary benefactor, and was as quiet and unassuming as he was generous. And while his gift of $6 million in 1961 remains the largest single bequest in the College’s history, legacy gifts of any size have an impact on the quality of life and learning at the College.
From scholarship and bursaries, to academic programs, to our historic campus, to the clubs and organizations that make Trinity life what it is, there is no aspect of the College that isn’t touched by the generosity of our legacy donors.
Members of the Gerald Larkin Society are recognized in the Donor Impact Report and are invited to special events throughout the year. If you have already made a legacy gift, but have not informed the College, please consider letting us know. We would be honoured to thank you for your generous and thoughtful gift during your lifetime.
To become a member of the Gerald Larkin Society, please complete our short Gerald Larkin Society Form (PDF) [LINK to PDF] and return it to the College. If you would like more information, please contact us. We are happy to speak with you personally.
However you choose to give, please designate Trinity College as the beneficiary of your donation.