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Certificate in Theological Studies

The Certificate in Theological Studies (CTS) is a seven-credit program that provides a general foundation in theological knowledge and practice. It may provide academic background for those interested in submitting an application to the MA in Theological Studies. The CTS is intended to be taken full-time (completed within one academic year), with both in-person and online credits counting towards the program.

Students may additionally qualify for the designation “with concentration in Orthodox and Eastern Christian studies” upon graduation from the Faculty of Divinity at Trinity College provided that a minimum of 5 courses are from courses in Orthodox studies.

Admission to the CTS Program

Click here for admission requirements, application procedure and forms.


The C.T.S. requires 7 courses (3.5 credits).

Five foundational courses will be taken from among the historic sub-disciplines of Theological Studies, as indicated below:

  • Old Testament / Hebrew Scriptures
  • New Testament
  • Theology (systematic theology, historical theology, dogmatic theology).
  • History of Christianity.
  • A foundational course in another area (such as theological ethics, philosophy of religion, comparative theology, apologetics, pastoral or practical theology, spirituality, liturgics, etc.)

For students who intend on applying to the MA, this additional foundational course will be decided by the student in consultation with an academic adviser, on the basis of his or her prospective area of MA studies, and special academic interest.

The above courses are at the introductory level (with TST course codes numbered in the 1000s).Two additional courses will be taken at an advanced SEUG level (with TST course codes numbered in the 2000s and 3000s), in order that students can achieve degree-level expectations in depth of knowledge.


The CTS is available with a number of optional concentrations:

Area of Concentration Required courses Electives
Anglican Studies
  • TRB1007H Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Part 1 OR TRB1049H Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Part 2 
  • TRT2110H Living Tradition: Reading the New Testament OR another New Testament introduction course
  • TRP1111H The Principles and Practices of Liturgy and Church Music  OR TXJ2401H Introduction to Anglican Liturgy
  • TRJ2631H Anglican History and Theology
  • TRP2202H Spiritual Formation in the Anglican Tradition
    NB: To be divided by Sister Connie into two courses offered in alternate years (origins to Reformation, Reformation to present) – so either would be fine for certificate
  • Two open electives
Orthodox Studies
  • TRH3455H Orthodox Reading of the Old Testament
  • TRT2110H Living Tradition: Reading the New Testament
  • TRP2321H Orthodox Eucharistic Liturgies and Liturgical Theology OR TRP2117H Sanctification of Life: Orthodox Mysteries (Sacraments) OR TRP2171H Sanctification of Time: Orthodox Liturgy of the Hours and Church Year
  • TRH1011H Why Study Early Church History? OR TRH2412H Age of Schisms OR TRH2414H Modern History of Orthodox Churches
  • TRT2504H Early Thought, Doctrine and Theology in the Church Fathers and Mothers OR TRH2401H Medieval Orthodox Thought and Theology OR TRH2452H Modern Orthodox Theology
  • Two open electives
Diaconal Studies
  • TRB1007H Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Part 1 OR TRB1049H Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Part 2 
  • TRT2110H Living Tradition: Reading the New Testament OR another New Testament introduction course
  • TRP2661H The Church of the Margins OR an independent Reading & Research course (to include four “Reimagining Contemporary Ministries” seminars/workshops and assigned readings and papers)
  • TRP2732H Practice of Diaconal Ministry
  • TRP2613H Canada’s Churches Respond to Immigration 
  • Recommended elective: TRP3405H Renewing Catechesis and Discipleship
  • Recommended elective: TRP1622H God’s Mission and the Church’s Calling
Congregational Administration
  • TRP2721H Congregational Administration Nuts and Bolts
  • TRP2665H Life and Death in the Wilderness: Skills for Congregational and Communal Life and Leadership
  • TRT2110H Living Tradition: Reading the New Testament OR course on mission and the New Testament
  • TRP2613H Canada’s Churches Respond to Immigration 
  • TRT1101H God and Creation: Christian Theology OR an independent Reading & Research course (to include four “Reimagining Contemporary Ministries” seminars/workshops and assigned readings and papers)
  • Two electives with focus on congregational administration
    OR a 100-hour placement in supervised setting with a final paper on theology OR practical administration
Spirituality and Arts
  • TSX – Foundational spirituality and arts course (shared TST)
  • TRP1111H The Principles and Practices of Liturgy and Church Music OR an Orthodox liturgy course (TRP2321H, TRP2117H, TRP2171H)
  • TRT1101H God and Creation: Christian Theology
  • TRH1011H Why Study Early Church History?
  • TRB2920H Encountering Scripture through Art
  • TRT2111H Orthodox Iconology: Iconography in a Worship Context
  • One elective chosen from the list on the Spirituality and Arts website



The CTS faculty advisor is Prof. Donald Wiebe (dwiebe@trinity.utoronto.ca and 416-978-2567 ext. 2567). The faculty advisor for Orthodox students is Fr Geoffrey Ready (geoffrey.ready@utoronto.ca). Both are members of the Faculty of Divinity teaching staff.

You will consult with your advisor prior to course registration in order to arrange a balanced program of studies that suits your educational and vocational goals. It remains your responsibility to ensure that all program requirements are fulfilled to be eligible to graduate. Your faculty advisor is available at any time throughout the academic year.