International Experience: TRN307 & TRN308
International Experience I (TRN307H) involves one semester, typically in the summer, research experience abroad. Students participate in a research project under the mentorship of a faculty supervisor in the host institution and gain experience of working and living abroad. There are a couple of ways to enroll in TRN307H:
- Students participating in placements abroad program will register for TRN307 and receive academic credit for their summer internship placement (grades are based on written work and supervisor evaluation).
- Students may develop their own international experience, which may be eligible for TRN307H. Students should consult with Trinity’s Dean of Arts about their international opportunity: or 416-978-8454.
As part of International Experience II (TRN308H), students who have engaged in a research project abroad participate in a regular forum in which they present their research projects and discuss their varied experiences of work and social engagement in different foreign environments. Students prepare a detailed scholarly article based on their research. This course offering availability is subject to change.