Master of Divinity Field Education & Internship
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) includes a supervised Theological Field Education component in each of the three years of study. In each phase the student will construct a learning covenant with a supervisor appointed by the Director of Theological Field Education. At the conclusion of each phase the supervisor and the student will conduct a formal evaluation of the learning experience. None of the phases is to be undertaken in the student’s home parish or at Trinity College. It could take the form of participating in the ministry of a congregation whose style of ministry is quite different from the student’s home parish church. Involvement in non-parochial ministry is also possible. In the pre-Internship and Internship phases, the student may not receive remuneration for their work. In the third Project phase, it is permissible to receive some remuneration.
This phase comprises a minimum of 120 hours of ministry involvement and participation in the Theological Field Education Seminar. This placement must be completed before the student begins the internship. The type of ministry varies with the student’s learning needs and interest and is arranged through the Faculty’s Director of Field Education. The purpose of this phase is orientation and exploration.
This phase is a full-time ministry placement normally undertaken in the fourth term of study (13 weeks, January to April). Preparation for the Internship includes specified courses in the MDiv syllabus as well as the pre-Internship field placement. The Internship is planned and arranged with the Director of Field Education and in consultation with the student’s Bishop. Students are expect to attend a daylong orientation conference, normally the last Saturday of November, and a two-day residential debriefing conference in mid-April. A broad variety of placements are possible in parishes, outreach and mission projects, hospital and prison ministry, etc. Combinations of ministry contexts, e.g. parish and hospital, are encouraged. Those heading for ordination are strongly advised to choose a parish placement, unless their bishop advises otherwise. In considering a parish Internship, a small urban or rural context offers excellent learning opportunities.
The student will focus on one or more aspects of ministerial practice which have been identified as an area of special interest (or as an area needing improved competency) during the internship phase. This will involve supervised practice and/or reflection and/or training in areas such as community ministries, justice ministries, homiletic skills, vocal training, spiritual formation, teaching, hospice work, etc. Each student makes a written proposal for the project no later than the first day of the term in which she or he plans to graduate. Timelines for the project are flexible and will depend upon the learning goal of each particular student. Honours MDiv candidates may (with their thesis director’s permission) use the special project as part of the research process for their graduating thesis.
A special bursary for Internship (Phase 2) is available.
The internship consists of three parts:
- TRD 3010YS Parish Ministry (2 Credits): a full-time 14 week supervised placement in an approved ministry setting.
- TRD 3020HS Christian Education (1 Credit): a major educational project, planned and executed by the student during the placement.
- TRD 3030HS Theology of Ministry (1 Credit): Participation in a theological reflection conference at the end of the internship (late April), as well as writing a major integration paper, which is completed during the summer following the internship placement.
This phase is meant to allow students to concentrate in a particular area of ministry such as Christian education, community/social ministry, preaching, ministry to the bereaved, counselling, evangelism. The reasons for concentration in any area may be enrichment or remedial.
Director of Theological Field Education
Dr. Walter Deller: 416-978-2167 or His office is located in the Gerald Larkin Building, room 324.
Preparation for Chaplaincy and Other Special Ministries
Students may take on additional placements, over and above the three required, in order to complement work done in supervised pastoral education, or to provide an alternative when such clinical placements are not available. A special team of faith-based chaplains are available to provide a pool of supervisors. Students in such placements may apply for additional credits and may accept remuneration.
Meet a few of our students on their parish internships