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Residence Fees

Click here to view the 2024-2025 Residence Fees.


Updated March 3, 2025


Room Type Rate
Single Room $14,241
Double Room (cost per student) $13,462
Triple Room (cost per student) $12,306



Meal Plan Rate
Light $7,408
Traditional $7,683
Freedom $7,948
Plus $8,164


All students living in the Trinity College residences are required to purchase a meal plan.  If you live in residence, you must choose one of the available meal plan options to use during the academic year. Trinity residence meal plans operate on a declining balance system, wherein your student card acts like a debit card and your starting balance is determined by the meal plan you choose. At every transaction, the total cost of your purchases is deducted from your account balance. Trinity College residence meal plans will be composed of two amounts – BASE Dollars and FLEX Dollars. The BASE Dollars are used for the majority of your on-campus food purchases, which are tax exempt (HST). The FLEX Dollars are used for taxable snack and convenience grocery items (e.g. soda, chips, chocolate bars, gums, mints, candy). Please note that the Trinity meal plan funds on your TCard can only be used at Trinity food services locations and not at other locations on the U of T campus.

As in past years, Trinity College meal plans will include a Food Services Overhead charge. This is an up-front charge that supports a number of the fixed costs associated with delivering the residence meal program to all students, such as facility-related expenses and the administrative infrastructure supporting dining on campus. This fee is non-refundable, and is charged at across all Trinity College Residence Meal Plans. The advantage of charging the Food Services Overhead fee up-front is that the price you will pay when you visit the dining hall will be considerably lower than the “retail price” that non-meal plan diners will pay, since it will reflect only the food inputs and preparation costs associated with the item you are purchasing.

Please see our Dining at Trinity web page for more information on food services and meal plans.


Trinity College offers a number of Residence Bursaries for students in financial need to help cover part of the cost of residence.  If you are a returning student applying or reapplying to residence, and require financial assistance,  please consider applying for a Residence Bursary.  Please note that Residence Bursaries are not available for students newly admitted for September.

Click here for more information about Residence Bursaries, the application deadline and the link to the application.


Residence fees cannot be claimed as rent for income tax purposes. Under the Income Tax Act, universities are exempt from paying municipal property taxes.

The Ontario Income Tax Act stipulates that all students living in designated university (tax-exempted) student residences are limited to an Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit claim based on an occupancy cost of $25 for the time they resided in the student residence. Therefore, the amount that can be claimed for income tax purposes is $25 and not the full amount of residence fees paid. On Line 6114 (Student Residences) of your income tax return, tick the box to claim $25 as your occupancy cost for the part of the year you lived in residence.

We do not issue a tax receipt for residence fees or meal plan payments.

For more information and to view the list of designated student residences, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Finance and review the “Frequently Asked Questions” on Property Tax Credits.

Click here to view the Trinity College Residence Agreement 2025-2026.

Frequently Asked Questions - Meal Plan Fees

Can I change my meal plan?

Students living in residence may upgrade their Trinity College Residence Meal Plan until September 30th, 2025. Meal Plans cannot be decreased once selected.

Will my meal plan last all year?

A number of factors influence how long your meal plan will last.  It all comes down to how much you spend per day and per week.  The Trinity College residence meal plans are designed for a student with an “average” appetite in mind. They also assume you will not eat every meal on campus (for example, you may opt to go out to dinner a few times a month or eat breakfast in your room sometimes).

Daily spending suggestions for each meal plan will be outlined here as soon as the upcoming year’s meal plans are finalized.

What if I use all of my BASE Dollars?

You can supplement your BASE Dollars by adding FLEX Dollars to your balance at any time during the year.  FLEX Dollars can be purchased at the Welcome Desk located on the first floor of the Trinity building, at 6 Hoskin Avenue.

What if I don’t use all of my BASE Dollars?

There are no refunds and no transfers of any unused portion of the Trinity College residence meal plan to any other persons, meal plans, or academic sessions. Any unused BASE Dollars at the end of the academic year will be lost.

Is any part of my meal plan refundable?

The BASE and FLEX Dollars balances are not refundable or transferable.  The unused portion of your FLEX DOLLAR account will remain in your account for future purchases until the April 30th following your graduation. For example, if you graduate in June or November of 2023, your FLEX Dollars will remain active until April 30, 2024, after which time they expire and cannot be used or refunded.

What if I move out of residence but I’m still at Trinity as a student?

Your Trinity College residence meal plan will continue to work, and your tax-exempt status remains the same for the remainder of the term(s) you originally purchased the plan for.  Any funds remaining in your BASE Dollar account at the end of the academic year will be lost.  Your FLEX Dollars will remain in your account for future purchases. However, the tax exemption of the meal plan applies only to the term(s) for which it was purchased.

What if I move out of residence prior to the end of the contracted term(s) and simultaneously leave the University?

A student who elects to withdraw from residence and elects to withdraw from Trinity College prior to the start of exams will receive a pro-rated refund of their remaining residence meal plan balance.


Please use your University of Toronto fees invoice to pay your Trinity residence fees at any major Canadian financial institution. See the U of T Student Accounts website for detailed instructions on making a payment. Allow 10 days for processing. Note special instructions for payments from outside Canada.

Note: U of T does NOT send paper invoices. You MUST monitor your ACORN account balance ONLINE (www.acorn.utoronto.ca). Regular reminders are sent to your UTOR e-mail.

Please note that your residence deposits are paid through your application on StarRez, and all subsequent payments are made through ACORN.

Overdue Payments

INTEREST IS CHARGED ON ALL OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS, EVEN IF A PAYMENT PLAN HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED. Interest is calculated at 1.5% per month compounded monthly (19.56% per year) and first charged on October 15, 2025.  To avoid interest charges, payments must be made by the end of the previous month.

Other Residence Fees/Charges

Item/Category Price
Garbage/Recycling Removal $50 per large garbage bag
Damage to Walls $100 +
Deodorize (e.g. cigarette smoke) $150 +
Garbage Can/Recycling Bin Replacement $50 +
Window Glass Repair/Replacement $100 +
Window Curtains/Blinds Repair/Replacement $120 +
Dresser Repair/Replacement $260 + (2-drawer)
$550  + (3-drawer)
Wardrobe Repair/Replacement $760 +
Mirror Replacement 80 +
Bed Frame Repair/Replacement $330 + (single)
$500 + (double)
Mattress Replacement $300 + (single)
$420 + (double)
Sofa Chair Repair/Replacement $425 +
Desk Repair/Replacement $500 +
Desk Chair Repair/Replacement $200 +
Desk Drawers Repair/Replacement $200 +
Light Fixture Cover Replacement $80 +
Lost Keys/Lock Replacement $250 maximum

Preview Changes (opens in a new tab)

Waiting List

Usually students who are offered a space on the waiting list are newly admitted students who do not have the University of Toronto Residence Guarantee for First-Year Applicants or are upper-year students who have not been offered a space in the first round of residence admissions, due to space restrictions in our residences, or are applicants who are applying after the application deadline. If you are offered a place on the waiting list, no deposit will be required until the time at which you are offered a residence space. If you are offered a residence space from the waiting list, you will be required to pay a deposit of up to $2,000 ($1000 if before the 2nd Deposit deadline, $2,000 if after the 2nd Deposit deadline) by the deadline set by the Office of the Dean of Students in order to confirm your space in residence. If you are offered a space and decline the offer, you will be removed from the waiting list. If you would like to remove yourself from the waiting list for any reason prior to receiving an offer of a space in residence, please email the Office of the Dean of Students at deanofstudents@trinity.utoronto.ca to notify them of your intention.

Residence Fee Due Dates for 2025-2026

End of September, 2025 (September 30): $8,000.00 (excluding previous deposits paid) due for all students.

End of November, 2025 (November 30): Remainder of residence fees due for students who have not officially deferred their fees on ACORN.

End of January, 2026 (January 31): Residence fees due for all students who have officially deferred their fees on ACORN.

Cancellations and Early Residence Withdrawals

Residence contracts are for the full academic year, i.e. both fall and winter terms. Students who cancel their application or withdraw from residence will be subject to the following:

Notice Date Vacating Date Fee
On or before July 25, 2025 N/A 50% of Deposit #1 ($500)
July 26, 2025 – Scheduled move-in day N/A Deposits #1 and #2 ($2000)
Scheduled move-in day – September 30, 2025 Move-in day – September 30, 2025 Pro-rate to the day moved out + deposits #1 and #2 ($2000)
October 1, 2025 – November 30, 2025 October 1, 2025 – Day residences close for winter break 2025 Pro-rate to the day moved out + $2500 early move-out fee
After December 1, 2025 After December 1, 2025 Full residence fee – residence fees will not be pro-rated and the student is not eligible for a refund

*The “notice date” is the date upon which the request to cancel and/or withdraw is received.

*The “vacating date” is the date upon which the resident moves out of residence and returns keys.

Please see the Residence Agreement for more information about early withdrawals from residence.


Your full set of keys must be handed in when you leave residence. Failure to do so will result in a $250 charge to your U of T fees (ACORN) account.


For additional information about Trinity College Residence, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you have any questions about residence at Trinity College, please contact:

Office of the Dean of Students