Trinity College hosts Orientation week every September to welcome incoming students and introduce them to the academic and social supports available at Trinity College and the University of Toronto. The work of our Orientation is lead by our Orientation Coordinator a hired student leader responsible for the bulk of our programming and implementing the goals of the Orientation Advisory Committee (OAC). To increase transparency and accountability, Trinity Colleges OAC made of of staff, students, and faculty guide and support the planning process for Orientation. This website will be updated as Orientation planning continues, please check back regularly for updates!
Due to changes in the academic calendar for 2024-2025 the Trinity College Orientation will be hosted the week of Monday August 26th – Sunday September 1st. Applicants to the Orientation Co-Coordinator, Executive, and Leader roles should plan accordingly.
Orientation Executive Positions – Now Closed!
Students entering their second year and higher are encouraged to apply for the Orientation Exec Team. The Orientation Exec Team is responsible for logistics and execution of the Trinity College Orientation under the direction of the Orientation Coordinator and Assistant Dean of Students. Orientation Execs are eligible to receive a $500 honourarium, the position works approximately 100 hours throughout the summer including a variety of trainings. Orientation Executives must be available the last 2 weeks of August, please check the linked Orientation Executive Position Description 2024 for more information about the opportunity in general and the Executive Roles document for specifics.
Apply here for Orientation Executive!
Please note, all candidates are strongly encouraged to read the Orientation Charter at the bottom of this page.
Orientation Leader Positions – Applications now closed!
Students entering their second year and higher are encouraged to apply for an Orientation Leader Position! Responsible for our in-person Orientation Week, Leaders are central to the experience for incoming students during Orientation Week. For more information about the specific Orientation Leader Roles check our Orientation Leader Roles document.
Apply here for Orientation Leader
Applications Closed.
These part-time positions work under the supervision of the Assistant Dean of Students – Student Life and in consultation with the Orientation Advisory Committee, the Orientation Co-Coordinators are responsible for: hiring, overseeing, and organizing the work of the Orientation Exec Team, recruitment, organization, and training of Orientation Leaders (including participation in Joint Orientation Leader Training), responsible for logistics and execution of the Trinity College Orientation including support for programming, orientation kits, communications, logistics, and program assessment. The Orientation Co-Coordinators must be available for part-time work throughout the summer and full time hours in the last three weeks of August, please check the linked description for more information coming shortly.
Please note, all candidates are strongly encouraged to read the Orientation Charter at the bottom of this page.
Applications Closed.
See below for a full committee description and the link to apply for current members. Please note, members of the OAC are not eligible to apply to the Orientation Coordinator Position, but are eligible to serve as executives and leaders. OAC student members must be planning to return to Trinity College for the 2024-2025 academic year as an undergraduate student.
Applications Closed.
Trinity College E-Mentors are upper-year Trinity College students who serve as the first point of contact providing guidance and support to the incoming cohort of first year students throughout the summer. E-Mentors are responsible for fostering community and encouraging relationships amongst the student body, academic community, and administration at the College. Applications available through the CLnX annually.
Chaired by the Assistant Dean of Students – Student Life and the Orientation Coordinator the Orientation Advisory Committee is made up of:
Ex Officio Members
Student members
The Orientation Advisory Committee’s main goal is to support the selection of the Orientation Coordinator and the successful development and execution of Orientation Programming. The OAC will be comprised of diverse representation from Trinity College students, staff, administration and faculty to set the priorities and intended outcomes of Orientation Week, review program assessments, and make recommendations for future programming.
The Orientation Advisory Committee’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
OAC Student Member Position Description
Guiding Principles (under development)
The OAC is responsible for the development and ongoing implementation of the Orientation Charter available below. This document reflects the community understand of the Trinity College Orientation Program and defines the work of our Orientation staff and volunteers.
Trinity College Orientation Charter 4.19.2021